Programmable maze (page 1) The idea was born in 2020 when our preschool Delfinen would have to tear down its old climbing frame within a few years.
We wanted something that would attract the interest of children and adults and at the same time encourage learning,
perhaps through a completely new pedagogical idea.
Many ideas saw the light of day but all but one survived. The tasteful draft idea
shows how the party flags can be twisted to form a maze path.
A couple of news reviews were done and it soon became apparent that the
idea was patentable. The uniqueness was not rotating a door panel around a
post but rather that several doors could be connected to the post, even
dynamically while walking through the maze. The technology allows for an
extremely flexible maze, and also means that fixed obstacles in the path can be

The first variant was a simple prototype, intended only for indoor use.

The idea is simple. Children (and many adults of course):
• are curious
• want to learn
• like to compete
• want excitement
• like to solve problems
• are attracted by the pleasure of novelty
• often learn better during physical activity

The idea was formulated from these starting points. Now we will talk about the pedagogy (page 2)

Updated April 28, 2024