Programmable maze (page 3) Programming An easy-to-use software is installed on a computer, tablet or mobile phone. In it, with a little practice, you create your own
path configurations. The question batteries and everything else that belongs to the "peppar" can be downloaded or ordered from Intragate.

Mode 1 (automatic) A new random track configuration is created in the software. The path can be saved in a database
to be reused. Typical application for new users.
An open web hub is planned where a number of path configurations are provided for download and upload.

Mode 2 (reused) An existing configuration is downloaded from the database (perhaps popular for stressed educators…)

Mode 3 (manual) On a computer with a touch screen, reading or writing tablet or on a mobile phone, an educator moves together
with the children/students the gate doors with their fingers or with the mouse pointer, and lock them in the correct position.
Here there is great potential for phenomenological research on children's/students' acquisition of knowledge about relativly
complex programming problems. The task is very simple to understand, but the way to get there – literally and figuratively – requires
imagination, thoughts, considerations and collaboration.

Mode 4 (physical) Together with a teacher, the children/students go out to the labyrinth and there the gates physically turn
until a simple or complex path is created. The path configuration is then locked and saved, and the children/students get to test their creation.

Mode 5 (obstacles) Some of the track's gates are equipped with educational panels. In accordance with the school system's
curricula, the educator then programs questions/tasks to be answered/solved to open the gates.
Here, too, the idea is that there should be a lot of support in the web hub.

Mode 6 (education) This idea comes from a communal digitization officer: students in the later part of primary school
use some block-oriented software to create maze paths and obstacles (Mode 5) for younger students to test - as a method
to popularize and facilitate the understanding of the subject Technology.

Does all this sound advanced and complicated? You will of course receive a shorter training and we are always available for questions.

Back to the start (page 1)

Wonder perhaps how replacing of the old climbing frame turned out? Did it become a maze or?
Check out the video on Delfinen's website

Updated April, 28 2024